The impact that one shoe distribution can make

On June 13, 2024, within minutes, one Kenyan girl reinforced the impact that The Shoe That Grows can make. 

Distributions of The Shoe That Grows happen year-round in countries all over the world. For the team at Because International, participating in these distributions allows us to gather essential data on how the children like the shoes, to see firsthand how they fit, and to pinpoint locations where we can later return and survey how shoes are holding up. 

On this day, our entrepreneurship programs manager, Sarah, and president, Andrew, had the opportunity to distribute shoes in two locations: a small Masaai community near the Masaai Mara and a rural village near Vihiga. Both included children of all ages who owned worn-out shoes, were borrowing pairs, or were barefoot.

“The absolute best part of the day was when a little girl came up to get a new pair of shoes, and we saw she was wearing an old version of The Shoe That Grows,” explained Sarah. “She was on the last loop of an extra small, and the shoes were quite worn.” 

The little girl had received her pair of The Shoe when she was young and had worn them for years, slowly adjusting the pair as needed. She had nearly outgrown the largest setting and was ready for a new pair.

“If only that pair of shoes could tell the story of miles walked, games played, and all the joy and energy from a young girl exploring the world around her,” shared Andrew. “It was truly a special moment when we took that dusty, worn pair of shoes off her feet and put a larger, brand-new pair on—now fitted at the smallest size. This new pair provides a reset, a fresh start. She now has years of joy and protection ahead of her as she continues to walk, run, play and explore.” 

The little girl and her mother after receiving her new pair of The Shoe That Grows

After fitting her new pair and passing around the old pair for the distribution team to see, the little girl’s mother approached the team and asked if she could keep the old pair. 

“It wasn’t clear whether she wanted the shoes for sentimental reasons or planned to give them to another child, but it didn't matter,” said Andrew. “It meant the world to us that the shoes were so important to the mother and daughter.”

More than 450,000 pairs of The Shoe That Grows have been distributed around the world—many of which have been in Kenya, where we aim to provide every child living in a rural community with a pair of shoes. 

“As we come closer to distributing half a million pairs, we're proud of this big number,” says Andrew. “But many times, the individual stories contain even more power. The pairs distributed represent so many of these individual stories, most of which we'll never hear. However, each time we're fortunate enough to have these stories shared with us, it encourages us in our work and belief that every child deserves a pair of shoes that fit. Thank you for being a part of this journey.” 

Donating to The Shoe That Grows will support the distribution of more pairs for kids like this little girl who wore her shoes for years. Just $20 will provide one child with protected feet for years, supporting their walks to school, their time outside playing, and the many memories and stories they’ll make. 

The little girl wearing her new shoes