Tips for a better Christmas shoebox

Are you looking to pack the best Christmas shoebox possible? Here are some tips to consider before getting started. 

Consider using cardboard boxes over plastic

We recommend using cardboard boxes over plastic for two reasons: they are environmentally friendly and durable. Over time, cardboard breaks down and turns into a nutrient-rich compost that improves soil quality. In many countries where Christmas shoeboxes are mailed, communities don’t have access to waste management services—which can lead to a lot of trash on the streets. By packing your gifts within a cardboard container, your box will eventually decompose and not contribute to trash within the community.

Secondly, plastic boxes have a tendency to crack during transit, which can be disappointing for the child who receives it. To ensure that your gift arrives in the highest quality possible, we recommend using a cardboard box when packing your Christmas shoebox.

Try to focus on high-quality items 

Can you imagine receiving a gift, only for it to break or be used up within a few days? Focusing on high-quality items that will last for weeks, months or even years will make the greatest impact on the child who receives your Christmas shoebox, providing joy and dignity for longer. 

Check out our list of high-quality or long-lasting items to include in your Christmas shoebox for inspiration. One example is to include The Shoe That Grows, which expands up to five sizes as the child grows, over a pair of low-quality shoes that may wear out in one month. It’s a simple change that makes a huge impact on the recipient!

Be sure to include both fun and practical items 

Including useful items in your Christmas shoebox like The Shoe That Grows or hygiene products can support a child’s education and health. Including fun things that will bring kids joy, like stuffed animals or activities is also valuable. It’s a balance we’d recommend considering when planning your box, as both are valuable in the life of a child impacted by poverty.

Don’t hesitate to include winter items

Though you can’t predict where your Christmas shoebox will end up, we recommend including wool socks regardless. Even in countries that you may think of as too hot for socks, many communities still experience a winter that is relatively colder and enjoy dressing accordingly. Wool socks will last longer, are quick to dry, and will keep the child’s feet warm no matter the weather!

Have fun!

No matter what you end up including in your Christmas shoebox, what’s most important is that you’re providing a child impacted by poverty with a meaningful holiday gift. The love you put into it will be felt around the world!

We hope this list helps you put together your best shoebox yet! Learn more about including The Shoe That Grows in your Christmas shoebox—a $20 pair of shoes that grows with the child. It’s the gift that keeps giving!